Thursday, July 31, 2008

August Rush is coming ...

Here it is, the last day of July ... This never ending July ... with all the waiting, and disillusions, and emptiness, and confusion ...

But as I was telling in another post, I feel that August will bring a lot of changes ...

Things are already happening :

- my nice hurried a little bit, and she came on this world on 27Th
- the big meeting, with the top management of the company, took place on 29Th, and it went really good.

And, as I was feeling the new month approaching so fast ... I randomly found something on youtube ...

August Rush

It´s all around us ... all you have to do is listen !

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I am all only water

I felt that I have a strong connection with the water long time ago, but I never felt it so strong as I´m feeling it now. All my emotions, all my thoughts are materialized and associated with water.

Here is an e-mail that I wrote to one of my best friends here in Portugal - Dey, and maybe you will understand why I say I am all water ...


Reading your last post ... and remembering our conversation on the beach in Setubal...

Life... water... jump...

You brought me a new perspective on life ... or maybe it wasn´t new for me, it was there inside me, but it wasn´t materialized yet ...

I always had a strong connection with water. I think about my soul in terms of water.

At first I was identifying myself with the Danube, then it was the sea, the Black Sea, and now I am becoming the Ocean...

And besides this spiritual connection with the water, there is the physical connection, when my body is yearning for the water´s touch, for swimming, for that feeling of being lighter, for that feeling of freedom ... And when I´m touch with water, it´s also my soul that is being touched... it´s like... what comes around goes around......

soul ...water ...body ... body... water... soul...

But where do I want to get with all this...

You are talking about swimming pool ... I see this like...

You created your own world, which is the swimming pool ... and you keep on jumping in your own world, you want to stay inside and learn how to swim ... I think you already know how to swim in your own swimming pool ... don´t you think that it´s time to get out and throw yourself in the Ocean...

Waters are connected,
the river goes into the sea,
and the sea goes in to the ocean,
they are in a permanent connection,
from the bottom of the ocean you can reach the mint of the river,
and then go back...

And it´s good to have your own world, everybody has it, but you need to be connected with all that the real world can offer. You need to let your world interact with other people´s world,
you don´t have to drag people into your swimming pool...

And you know that water has this property to purify itself...
a swimming pool can´t do that...
a swimming pool has to be emptied, cleaned and then refilled with fresh water...
but how many times a soul can take this...
the true feeling of transformation is when the soul is purifying itself...
like a natural phenomenon...
just like the ocean´s waters.

So if u are searching for something, whatever that might be ... don´t keep on swimming in your swimming pool, you already know how to swim, go and swim into the ocean...

endless possibilities are floating there...

So, what do you say ?

You can find his answer on his blog :)

But tell me now if you understand me, and if you ever felt like this !

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

State of waiting...

I have always thought about myself as a very patient person. I can endure a lot of things till I reach my limits. But now, life is putting me in front of a different challenge. There are things in my life at this moment that I can´t really influence, and all that I can do is to wait for them to happen.....

What am I waiting for ?


- I´m waiting for the company that I´m working for to have an answer about the renewal or not of my contract
- I´m waiting for him to have time and to feel ready to share things with me
- I´m waiting for my faculty to give me an answer regarding my exam
- I´m waiting for my friend from Romania to buy her ticket to Portugal
- I´m waiting for my niece to be born

I have heard the word "SOON" so many times till now that I feel I´m gonna be sick if I hear it again.... Soon my company will have an answer, soon he will be ready, soon, soon, soon... !!!

I am in a state of waiting....but I have a feeling that August is going to bring a lot of answers, and along with them....a lot of changes. And it ´s weird that my instinct is not saying anything about this changes....I am somewhere in the middle, just waiting for the change to come...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don´t forget to live your life ...

Stuart Knight, a very new character in the pages of my life. I found him on a friend´s blog and I subscribed to his weekly newsletter. The thing is that he doesn´t have a certain day to send his newsletter, but he is sending it when I need it the most. All the time, is just the perfect words at the perfect time.

Here is a part from what he posted this week :

It was at that moment that I was reminded of how fragile life can be. We really can die at any minute of any day. We trust that the person on the other side of the road won't drift to our side, we think that some horrible disease will never come our way and we assume that we won't choke on a piece of glass first thing in the morning.

Life is too short to not make that phone call, drive that car, jump off that diving board, quit that job, kiss that stranger, take that extra drink, take that course, take yourself out on a date, take that chance, take that vacation, take that compliment, take that pain, take that advice and to take life by the balls!

Don't wait for the weekend, don't wait for the right pay cheque, don't wait for the stars to be aligned, don't wait for your body to look a certain way, don't wait for the right weather, the right year or the right person to come along.
Ask yourself what you can do today to live life and then have a blast doing that thing.
Because tomorrow, you might wake up and swallow a piece of glass!

Much love,

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Verde por uma Green

This is from the series : Everything is Related ... :)

I have searched for this traineeship for 7 months, and while doing my searching I had always avoided the job description that was saying MARKETING.

When I started the matching with the Primavera form, one of the things that was interesting for me was the job description.

But after arriving in Braga, I sow that the things were not so well prepared for my arrival in the company, it happens a lot in AIESEC internships, and because they didn´t know exactly what my job will be, my boss said : ... Well, you can start by doing a MARKETING RESEARCH for Romanian market.

OK ... and I took it as a challenge.

Meanwhile, I found out that Primavera is organizing a conference, in which the The Guru of MARKETING, Philipe Kotler, will be the speaker. And I said to myself : What the Hell, it is MARKETING, BUT it might be a one life opportunity to see and hear this man speaking. So in the last moment I decided to attend the conference.

The main conclusions of this conference were not about MARKETING, were about CSR. Hearing Kotler talking about CSR reminded me how much I love this issue, and how dedicated I was to it during my AIESEC work.

And sharing with him all my history and my feelings related to CSR issue, I found out that Primavera has a CSR project plan, that will soon be launch. I immediately knew that I want to be part of this, and in the moment that this plan was made public he announced me. So I asked a lot of questions, I wanted to know more, I presented my interest for this project, and : ...

Boa tarde,

Foi fechada a votação e efectuada a contagem de votos. Participaram 20 eleitores.
Resultados na lista abaixo.
And the winner is … :)

Amalia Ghiban - Lider Green TSU

And that´s the story :)